According to Zambia ’s National Radio and Television (ZNBC), Zambian Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu said that a complete closure of the city will cause more losses to the economy, and enterprises should change their operating conditions and learn to Adapt to the market in an epidemic.
At the outbreak conference held by the Ministry of News and Broadcasting Services, Finance Minister Valia stated that the Zambian Bank will cooperate with business associations such as the Zambian Manufacturers Association. Maintain its business during pneumonia.In addition, according to the presidential directive, a new special fund for coronary pneumonia is being established, and is currently waiting for the cabinet to approve these proposals.
Earlier, the Chief Government Spokesperson and Ms. Dora Siliya, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, said that the government had taken pragmatic measures and did not respond to the outbreak of the new corona virus through a complete "closure of the city" because some families did not have overnight food. It is not feasible to completely "close the city".The doctors suggested that a reasonable period of "closing the city" would take at least 14 days, but it would take 30 days to really take effect.